I know, we can get so caught up with the vast selection of kitchen organizers available now online that we sometimes (okay, probably more often than we would like to admit) just add them all to cart. And how can you not, right? They look so pretty and ‘organized-looking’ you’re hoping it’ll magically do the same to your kitchen. Well in reality though, it may not be as simple as that. In fact, if you don’t think it over first, you might end up stressing over organizing your kitchen organizers. It’s true! Been there, done that!
If you haven’t gotten around to organizing your kitchen and making use of a few kitchen organizers – well, perhaps it’s about time. You’ll be surprised at how pleasurable your time can be in the kitchen when things are all neat and organized. Not only will it save you time cooking (because you know where exactly your kitchen utensils are) but you may even feel more inspired to spend time in your kitchen.
But as we initially mentioned, you can end up stressing over the very same kitchen organizers you bought to organize your kitchen – I know a friend who had it worst than I am – she ended up having a pile of weave baskets and plastic trays she doesn’t have any use for.
So, before you start adding those kitchen organizers to your cart, read this first and consider each question before you start shopping.
Kitchen Organizers Tips
- Do You Really Need Kitchen Organizers
- Which Kitchen Organizers to Buy
- How Much is Too Much Kitchen Organizers
- Final Tip

Do You Really Need Kitchen Organizers
First things first, do you really need one? Or is it possible that your kitchen just needs a little tidying up? How about you consider decluttering first? Do some Mari Kondo-ing and get rid of stuff you don’t really need or those that you don’t really use (you know the ones you only use so that hubby won’t complain you buy stuff that you ‘never’ use).
Ask yourself if you really need 10 different spatulas or 3 sets of measuring cups and measuring spoons in all imaginable colors – like for real. I guess that works if you are really into baking then go ahead and keep them, but if you’re more like a once-in-a-blue-moon pastry chef-wanna-be, then maybe, just maybe, it’s time to let some of them go?
And how many sets of plates do you really need? How about that tea set that is still sitting in its box? Oh and yeah, that panini maker that you never even tried using even once – not even once. Don’t worry, I’m guilty too of keeping things that I should have gotten rid of a long time ago. In fact, I had to read Marie Kondo’s book twice before I finally got the courage to actually do some serious decluttering.
I can’t remember where I read it but it has something to do with clothes that you should rid of – if you have clothes in your cabinet that is inside out and that’s been sitting there for three months, more likely you’ll never going to wear them so might as well just let them go. The idea is that you’ve tried it on (that’s why it’s inside out), but you didn’t end up wearing it. And if it is still there after three months, it means – well more likely, it will continue to just sit there for years to come.
I guess I kind of apply it to kitchen stuff that’s been sitting in the kitchen cabinet, not exactly for months but let’s say for years. If it’s been there for some time and you have never gotten around to using it or at least attempt to use it – then probably you’ll never be going to. Okay, maybe we’re being too drastic, how about you especially take note of whatever it is – plan what you’re going to use it for, when you’re going to use it, and note, too, how particularly you feel about your plan – are you excited, just so-so, or are you immediately putting it at the back of your mind already? Well, it’s time to decide, my friend.
These are just examples, of course. We all sure had or will have unique experiences when it comes down to decluttering kitchen stuff. So don’t worry if some strategies aren’t working for you – perhaps you need a different approach or maybe you need some help, or it could also be that it’s as simple as you’re not ready yet. Let’s just agree on the fact that we have to, at some point, deal with decluttering our kitchen – especially when you’re about to shop for kitchen organizers!
More often than not, after some decluttering, you’ll find that you actually need very minimal storage organizers to begin with. And also, brace yourself for the freed space! You’ll feel instant gratification (okay, perhaps it’s just me!) as soon as you see all that space that you can now put to better use because you know better now how to organize your stuff.
And hey, while you’re in the business of decluttering, watch out for containers that you can also use as ‘organizers’ for your other stuff. For instance, you may have so many plastic tubs that you don’t really use (which plastic covers you can’t even find or match, to begin with) – then see if you can use it to, let’s say, organize your little kitchen tools in the kitchen drawer.

Which Kitchen Organizers to Buy
Now that you have decluttered, it’s now time to categorize your kitchen stuff so that you’ll have a clearer picture of which ones need a kitchen organizer and what organizer particularly does each category needs. This way, the next time you shop, you know which kitchen organizers to buy.
It’s really up to you how you would want to categorize the items in your kitchen – for instance instead of just having pots and pans in mind as a category, you can still split them into pots and pans that you usually use daily and the ones you only use occasionally (say for weekends or for when you’re cooking for your guests).
You can keep the pots or pans you sparingly used in the topmost part of your cabinet and keep the ‘everyday’ pots and pans on a lower shelf that is more within reach. If you don’t have much cabinet space to spare, then keep them all in one place but make sure that the ‘everyday’ ones are within easy access. This is where you can use a cabinet organizer for pots and pans and even for the lids – so that you can easily see and get whatever cooking ware you need.
Another example is categorizing the spices that you actually used in cooking. I know, there are so many spices out there and It’s really fun to experiment with them every once in a while – the keywords there though, are once in a while. So, instead of filling a whole cabinet drawer with every imaginable spice there is – categorized them and only keep the ones that you use the most. Here, you can use the previously mentioned extra plastic tubs that you have to hold the spices in the drawer. That way, you can still add other items in that very same drawer instead of dedicating it to spices alone.

How Much is Too Much Kitchen Organizers
If you’re finding yourself with piles of kitchen organizers with no clear purpose, then you have way too much. Remember that you need these organizers to organize the kitchen – not to add up to your stuff that needs organizing.
As you categorized your kitchen items, you’ll have a clearer picture of which ones need an actual kitchen organizer. For instance, you’ll realize that instead of 4 baskets to organize your kitchen towels, after decluttering and categorizing, you realized that you really need just two.
Lazy Susan’s are great for food items that you usually use but they can easily take up space – so minimized their use if you have limited cabinet space. Sure, it looks neat to have a line of Lazy Susan’s that you can simply spin around to find what you need – but then again, categorized your kitchen items. If you’re not going to use it that often anyway, it’s better to store them in a pile instead of using multiple Lazy Susans.
Before you buy bins after bins of plastic or metal containers – assess first the item that you’re going to use it for. For instance, is it worth splurging on kitchen organizers to organize your baking items when in the very first place, you hardly bake?
Perhaps, if for some reason, you really can’t let go of it (yet), then it’s better to just buy one big container and keep them all in it and then stow them away in the farthest corner of your kitchen. I know some will probably say that if you do that then the more that you won’t get inspired to bake if they’re that hard to reach. Well, if you have limited space, I say it’s not worth sparing an area for something that you’re not really wholeheartedly into.

Final Tip
It really depends on your needs as to which or how many kitchen organizers you should use. I know that there are people who find simple pleasure in seeing things organized (I’m one of them), each item seating nicely in its respective organizer – how delightful, right?
But then again, spend time decluttering and categorizing your kitchen items first before you decide and go shopping for kitchen organizers. Remember that you’re organizing them so that life is easier and more joyful inside the kitchen.
Take into consideration, too, the available space that you have. If there’s very little to spare then limiting your kitchen organizers should be at the forefront of your mind, otherwise, you’ll end up with organized kitchen items with no place to keep them.
It’s also a good idea to take the time to show the people you share the house with the organization that you did – something like, this is where we keep the so and so… (I know! For some of us it may seem so obvious or at least easier to figure when things are organized but I realized that it’s not for a lot of people, lol!).
And if you think it would help – add as many labels as needed. It may be an eyesore for some but bear with it for at least until everybody gets used to the new system of organizing the kitchen tools.