So, I just made Hainanese Chicken the other day, (as per usual I forgot to take pictures, perhaps next time) and of course, I made yellow rice to go with it. And this yellow rice I’m telling you can go with quite a lot of different dishes as well!
Today, for lunch I decided to roast some sliced pork belly and I thought it would be perfect with yellow rice – but this version of yellow rice is the quick version. I use chicken bouillon cube to flavor it because well, while authentic chicken stock is the best, I honestly don’t have that much time to make chicken stock every day.
Why Yellow Rice?
You’re probably wondering why yellow rice – well, it’s easy to make, appetizing to look at, and goes well with a lot of different dishes. Like fried, roasted, or grilled chicken, pork, or fish, sauteed veggies, and even with stews actually.
It’s also quite versatile so you can add ground meat if you want or perhaps even shredded chicken meat when sauteing. You can even throw in some frozen veggies if you want. (I have actually tried sauteing it with bacon one time and it turns out super delish as well!)
My love for yellow rice started when I first learned how to make Hainanese chicken. It’s one of my favorite chicken dish recipes – it’s super simple. Like seriously simple – a bit time-consuming (it’s all about simmering the chicken really) but very simple.
Related Read: 17 Best Rice Dishes From Around the World
The original Hainanese chicken recipe I tried isn’t paired with yellow rice but there’s one that I found that comes with yellow rice. And ever since, I just love yellow rice!
So, are you feeling curious yet? Here’s how easy this quick yellow rice is.
How to Make Yellow Rice Recipe
For ingredients, this is what you’ll need:
- Oil for sauteing
- Minced garlic
- 1 chicken bouillon cube
- 1 tsp turmeric powder
- 2 cups of rice
And this is how you’ll easily make yellow rice:
Sautee in oil the minced garlic. Then before it browns add the bouillon cube and give it a little stir. Now add the turmeric powder followed by the rice. Keep stirring until the rice grains are quoted with oil. Now add 3 cups of water and wait for it to boil. Once it’s boiling, lower the heat (just enough that it’s still bubbling nicely). Once, all water is gone (will probably take about 15 minutes), put it on the lowest heat and give it 10-15 minutes more and then turn off the heat.
Related Read: The Best Type of Rice: A Guide to Knowing Rice Varieties
Now to make it even easier (I know, right?) after sauteing the rice, transfer it to your trusted rice cooker, add water, and let it do its thing.